Innovation is often viewed as the application of better solutions (typically product or process) that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs.
To realize one's Vision and Values through the re-application of ones' mind, aspirations, talents and motivations; to reposition oneself in a manner that meets a real need or challenge.
The outcome is a NEW-ME, and the process is exciting, scary, imaginative, practical, reflective, vulnerable, energizing, humble, self-loving, relevant, beneficial, constructive, and TIMELY.
We often think of innovating something which is outside of us, yet we apply our creativity and collaborative process to address something that no longer works as it should, or to create or reformulate something that serves a real need. Our society and business practices have captured and operationalized the concept of innovation to ensure survival and growth.
Why not think of innovating yourself with intention and through a process that will spark and enliven you. You will re-emerge and becoME as you create and design for yourself a life that is enriching and fulfilling.

Enlisting a guide to help you reset, reflect, re-imagine, re-brand and relaunch can help you to ME-nnovate.

The engagement is creative, agile, and iterative as your career coach will work with you to reset, envision, and re-imagine. You will actively harvest your talents with purpose. This is done through a customized and robust process of reflection where you will be guided to see yourself in a new, valid and different light, a bright light. The reflection captures who you are, where you have been, and what you have done. This reflection will be held relative to your aspirations and yearnings and in context of market opportunities where there is a demand for your capabilities.
Reflection includes looking at situations and contexts where you have thrived as well as struggled/suffered. The essential patterns will be identified and you will come to see yourself anew. Signals will be amplified from the noise and your voice will sing with conviction and confidence as you step forward to re-brand yourself, re-emerging with your true "value-proposition."
Now is the perfect time to ME-nnovate. Things have changed dramatically and will continue to evolve and shift through this period of unprecedented change. You cannot control what is happening "out-there," however you can invest in yourself to build your resilience, bolster your confidence, and re-brand yourself as you rediscover how you can show up and becoME your authentic self.